Birth Wishes / Birth Plan Workshop

Winnipeg Birth Wishes Birth Plan Doula Consultation

Whether this is your first birth, second birth, or fifth birth, many mothers and their partners find it helpful to make a list of desires for their birth experience.  Many people refer to this list as a 'Birth Plan'. I like to refer to them as your list of 'Birth Wishes'. This can be helpful in achieving a most positive birth experience.

A Birth Wishes document is helpful whether you are having a hospital birth, birth centre birth, or home birth, with either an obstetrician, midwife, or family doctor. It is a great way to make sure that everyone sharing your birth experience with you, know exactly what you are hoping from for your birth and postpartum experience. 

Birth Wishes Documents cover your desires for your labour including shortly after your baby is born.

Your birth wishes document outlines the care that you would like in ideal circumstances for you and your baby. Are you hoping to avoid medication during labour? Or do you envision a medicated birth (for example, maybe an epidural)? These are important preferences that can be included in a Birth Wishes Document.

One of the most important aspects of Your Birth Wishes Document is the experience of learning how to create one and creating it with your partner. This opens up the opportunity to learn and encouraged open communication of your desires with your partner. You will have a chance to discuss some of the 'what if's'. For example, what if you need a c-section? Who would you like to be with you? If they need to take your baby for observation, would you like your partner to stay with you or stay with your baby? A Birth Wishes Consultation will also teach you about how can you incorporate your birth wishes to have the most positive birth and postpartum experience, regardless of how your birth looks, even if you end up needing a c-section. 

These are all tough questions and ones you may or may not consider. If you have a doula, the Birth Wishes or Birth Plan document is something she will likely go over with you during your prenatal visits. If you have decided not to have a doula, this option gives you the opportunity to meet with a doula and discuss your wishes, ask questions, and plan for your birth experience. With so many options, it can be overwhelming and confusing! This will give you the oppotunity to have support through the process and find out, 'What does all of this really mean?" 

Birth Wishes Workshop Inclusions :

  • A 90-minute workshop with an doula & perinatal educator to learn about:

    • Preparing for a Positive Birth Experience

    • How to write a birth wishes document,

    • How a 'birth wishes document' differs from a 'birth plan',

    • How to use it as a couple and/or with your care team,

    • Plus, discuss your hopes for your birth and postpartum experience and ask any questions that you have

  • A guide with information on 'Birth Wishes' Documents and planning worksheets to help you create your own

Private Class Fee
$80 + gst, per couple